IAEA Video Reports
As a consultant I receive all types of tasks related to technical media work. One of my jobs is to cover video reports when needed.
As a consultant for the IAEA, I provide help for all types of work related to multimedia and IT. Parts of my job includes web editing, overall IT support and video production. I also assist the video editor (Mr. Petr Pavlicek) with various tasks including filming setup, lighting, camera work, telemprompter configuration and studio operation.
When the video editor is not available, I act as the backup to film and edit video packages which are sent to the UN’s multimedia portal that provides footage to broadcast stations worldwide. These packages are also sent to Associated Press, Reuters, BBC and CNN depending on their demand.
Examples of video packages that I edited:
IAEA / DPRK (14 October 2008) http://www.unmultimedia.org/tv/unifeed/detail/10370.html
Youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEfbOWjFNxQ
IAEA / INDIA (02 February 2009) http://www.unmultimedia.org/tv/unifeed/detail/10731.html
Youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Xc6dPyp-Gs