Jelly Splash Pop
Mar 2015 – Sep 2016
Al’s Role
- Producer / Agile Coach
- Set up foundation of Scrum Process
- Facilitate Key Scrum Meetings
- Team Management
- Scope Management
- Backlog Prioritization
- Change Management
Project Highlights
- Soft-launch to A-Countries: CAN, SWE, AUS
- Soft-launch to B-Country: PH
- Developed a fresh game with great short-term retention (60% Day-1, 30% Day-2)
Game Trailer
Download The Game
Team Teepee’s vision statement was to create a physics based puzzle game with a meta-game model of Gummy Drop. The idea was to make a spin-off of Wooga’s successful title, Jelly Splash.
The outcomes we produced was promising and we received a lot of positive feedback while testing. However, we didn’t pursue to go ahead with global launch as we didn’t meet our soft-launch KPI goals to find confidence in market success.
I was hired onto the team shortly before the project was green-lit from prototyping to pre-production. I was responsible for project management by shaping the team with best practises of agile development and Scrum.
I had two key partners. The first is my Product Lead, Richard Yu, who I supported in prioritizing the product backlog to maximize the output of business value in every sprint. The second was my development team which I collaborated with in order to scope our work into manageable sprints.
I was fully involved from prototyping into soft-launch. I learned what it takes to develop a “fresh” type of game and how to compete in a saturated market that involves high-marketing budgets. I also learned how to internally process a cancelled project when it does not make sense continue from a business perspective.
Although we fell short on reaching the global stage, I had a great experience as I practised how to manage all the highs and lows of project management: scoping releases, resource management, team on-boarding, inter-personal management, release management. The whole 9-yards. Would do it again with this set of people.