Virtual Reality Systems
For my second 3D Graphics project, I built a virtual tour of the Fishbourne Palace. The tour can be viewed using the Cortona3D Viewer plug-in.
For my second 3D Graphics course, Virtual Reality Systems, the students were asked to build a virtual tour of the Fishbourne Palace which is now found as remains at the Sussex County in Chichester, United Kingdom. By using 3Ds Max, we had to reconstruct the architechture with the help of an illustration and a floor plan (please look at the images on the right).
The use of 3Ds Max was taken into another level as our additional aims were to integrate interactivity and dynamic content such as sound. The viewer is able simulate the action of opening a door and can hear an audio effect once the vicinity of the pond is reached. The whole product was expected to be delivered as a website since the Virtual Tour was intended to be viewed through an internet browser. This 3D tour can only be viewed by using the Cortona3D Viewer plug-in.
I had a lot of fun making this project. However, I was not as successful as I was with my other projects because there was a usability issue when the Virtual Tour was viewed. Since my 3D world contained so many polygons, most computers were not able to process the information quickly enough to allow a fluid motion of the camera. One is able to move around but it takes a considerable amount of time.
Do feel free to experience the tour. The links to the website and the virtual tour are provided below. I recommend to read through the website in order to have a good idea on how to manipulate the Cortona3D Viewer plug-in. In addition, my project files are available to download from the website.
Facing the Fishbourne Palace [Website]
Virtual Tour of the Fisbourne Palace [Requires Cortona3D Viewer Plug-in]
Computer Graphics Modelling and Rendering
The aim of this project was to re-illustrate four photos using 3Ds max. A lot of time and effort was put into each image and I learnt a lot from making them. The results speak for itself and the report is available to download.
One of the most interesting courses that I had a pleasure to experience is “Computer Graphics Modelling and Rendering”. 3D graphics have amazed me ever since the time Toy Story hit the big screens. 3D effects are hardly without in big blockbuster movies. Why? Because it aspires film makers to illustrate the unbelievable. With a wild imagination, creative boundaries can be broken.
This course allowed me to learn the fundamentals of 3D graphics and apply the knowledge into operating 3Ds Max. A lot of time and effort was put into each image and I think that the results speak for itself.
Please click through the thumbnails on the right to view the final results.
To read the full report of the project, please download the pdf using the link below:
Computer Graphics Modelling and Rendering Report (By Al Philippe Sinoy, 2005)
2 Hot 2 Handle
For my Visual Communications Course, I had to use Photoshop to produce a creative advert by adding a style to an imaginary product. What was my product? And1 Shaving Cream. What were the influences? Grafitti (Banksy style) and of course Basketball.
For my Visual Communications course in my second year of Undergraduate studies, I used Photoshop to create an advert that promotes a product in a certain style.
Since I was interested in urban art and graffiti, I wanted to combine the influence of Hip Hop and Basketball with shaving cream. What do you get? And1 Shaving Cream.
With influences of Banksy and And1, I managed to create an effective piece. Please click through the thumbnails on the right to see the final result and the elements I used to create it.
The final image is also shown below.